「松竹梅」のレビュー(Junmai Gaijinjoさん)
Junmai Gaijinjo さん
満足度 2.2
Made in Berkeley, California with California rice and water from the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Opened: 2024年12月7日
Bottle Date: No date
Temperature: 5°C/ 48°C
Cup: ガラス / 錫
Smell: mellow sake aroma.
Taste: tastes dry with thin flavor at 5°C. More pronounced flavor at 48°C. The alcohol is more numbing on the tongue at higher temps but still meh on overall flavor.
Color: Clear.
Pairing: Papa Johns
Purchase Date: 2024年11月25日
Location: Binnys
Size: 750ml
Price: $7.99
Storage: 3°C
Other Notes:特定名称 純米